Monday 13 August 2012

MY Top 15 Horror Movies

This post is a list of my top 15 horror movies.
I would like to say that this is my opinion, and no one else's. So- before you comment saying that I have a silly list or whatever, please take into consideration that this is only one view and different people like different things. I am sure most of you would already know this- but there are always those few who think their opinion tops anyone else's.

Also- I have judged these movies not just on scare factor. I have also taken into consideration the acting, the story, the effects, the music, etc...

Below I have posted a video made by me on Youtube of my top 15 Horror movies if you want to take a look instead of reading. although, the actual post does offer my justification as well. your choice. (P.S If you have any questions concerning my video or post, feel free to comment. I am more likely to answer questions about the video here than I am Youtube)
Lets start!

 15, IT
I find Stephen King's IT scary simply down to the fact that Stephen King has taken something that should be all rights be a happy and nice thing (the clown) and made it sinister and the hunter of children. It may also be made scarier due to the fact that Tim Curry plays Pennywise the clown so well. Admittedly this movie is very dated, and I don't find it scary any more  but it's on the list because in it's time, it was very frightening and when I first saw it when I was younger, it was truly scary.

14, Paranormal Activity
Now- this seems to be the kind of movie that you either liked or you didn't. I personally found it scary because you could only see what the little cam corder would let you and that your imagination was left to fill in the blanks. I also found it scary as it was dark- which always adds to the horror I find. 

13, The Uninvited
 This movie offers some tense and sometimes chilling scares throughout the film. Although not one of the scariest movies I have ever seen, the story, full of twists and turns as it is, is delightfully dark and mysterious. Not to mention, the cast, although fairly unknown (to me at least) Was well chosen and did a great job!

12, The Unborn
Now this movie is just odd! It is full of twisted moments of reality as well as nightmarish encounters. the story is a little unbelievable, but there again, it is a horror movie so you have to take things with a pinch of salt. This movie also uses the tension to scare- not blood and gore. Although there is some. For me the best bit was the fact that it had Gary Oldman in it. One of the greatest actors I've ever seen.

11, The Strangers
If you like sadistic, bloody horrors, this is the movie for you! This isn't usually the kind of thing that I like, but I found it scary as well as disturbing. The scariest thing about it is- it's possible. there is no ghouls or ghosts, vampires or other monsters, no curses or demons. it is just 3 people with a need to hurt people. 

10, The Ring
 There is no doubt that this movie is scary. The girl, Samara, sends shivers down my spine, again, I think it was the fact that they took an innocent little girl and turned her into this...thing, made it all the more scarier.

9, Psycho
Of course this is in the list! This is a classic movie and I love it. It still has the scare factor and  Norman Bates still gives me goosebumps. If you haven't seen it- see it. It's a privilege just to see a film as classic as this old timer 

8, The Grudge
Like the ring- this movie was original Asian, and also like The Ring this has a scary-ass ghost of a dead woman. Although- the actual story is very different, it does use similar scare tactics. The reason this is on the list is simply the story. I loved it!

7, Nightmare On Elm Street (Remake)
I know I'm going to get hate as it is the remake, but I personally feel that this movie is superior as the make up and effects were better and the movie as a whole was far more sinister.

6, The Shining
Again, another classic. Jack Nicholson played perhaps one of the best horror movie villains in this movie. Another classic that every horror movie lover must watch!

5, Orphan
Now- as unrealistic as Orphan was, I mean it's plausible (just) but incredibly unlikely, it was creepy and, in some places, very tense. And for all you horny boys, a sex scene and a bit ;)

4, Silent Hill
This movie, for me, breaks the pattern of game-to-movie adaptations sucking. Although not always accurate to the game, this movie had everything. It had gore, frights, tension, mystery and above all individuality. Some of the monsters in this movie are incredible- such as Pyramid Head and the Nurses. Aaaaand, from what I hear they are making/made a second!

3, The Woman In Black
If you are looking less for blood and core and more for tense moments and creepiness, then The Woman In Black is right up your street. With simple yet effective camera tricks and leaving a lot to your own imagination, The Woman In Black packs a lot of punch in terms of scare factor.

2, The Descent
For second place it was close between this and number one. The Descent (along with Part Two) is a movie set in underground caver, where a group of women become trapped. Adding to the darkness, the claustrophobia and the rising tensions between the women; when they discover their are mutants in the caves that are highly skilled at finding anything living to devour in the most brutal ways. This movie offers extreme gore as well as some genuinely scary moments. There is rumour to be a third on the way.


1, 28 Days Later!
28 Days Later (and the sequel 28 Weeks Later) Are, in my opinion, AMAZING! It has a great soundtrack, there is some scary bits, some violent bits, its relatively realistic, the acting and directing is incredible, not to mention the special effects. For me it is just perfection...With Zombies.
And a third one is rumoured too! :D

Thank you for reading my post, I hope you all enjoyed!
Please tell me some of your favourites, and if I haven't heard of them, I'll give them a look and maybe in a few months update my list. You can post them here, or on my Youtube video, OR BOTH depending on how well know you want your comment to be, I guess XD

Thanks again.

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