Monday 30 July 2012

L.A. Noire Game Review

Rockstar's L.A Noire
LA Noire is set in 1940s LA where you play Cole Phelps who is an ex Marine who was honourably discharged from service. Cole Phelps gradually travels up the ranks in the force and as we continue playing the game- we discover more and more about his past and the dark characters of the city.

The Darker Side of L.A Noire
Do not go looking for a Grand Theft Auto style game that Rockstar are so famous for, if you do, you will be disappointed. You cannot shoot people up, and although you can go running people down, it does effect your overall score for the worse. However, there are shoot outs and car chase through the city which take a rather exciting break from investigating dead bodies or interrogating suspects.
Cole Phelps- Ready For Action

The graphics in this game are amazing, using the top notch engineering from Team Bondis.
Although I wasn't around in the late 1940's, the team obviously did their research and made the experience incredibly believable everything down to the cars they drive to the shoes on their feet.

By using high-tech camera's and techniques, they render a real face into an animated one.

I personally really enjoyed this game. I thought it was incredibly unique and was a great break from all the other games that are out at the moment as it allows you to use both intelligence and yet still have great fun.
It must be said that this game is not for everyone- you either like it or you don't really. However, if you are looking for a change of pace then I recommend it. I have never come across a game like this.
I personally would give it 7/10 stars. It isn't my favourite game- but definitely worth a look.

Happy Hunting, Detective
This is a fan-made trailer, which is incredible, it really shows it at its best.
(By TacticProductionz via Youtube)

Check out more info at:Rockstar Games: L.A. Noire